I dig bicycles. I like riding them, and I like working on them. It’s been a life long passion. I also enjoy the industrial arts, especially metalworking. I got my first job as a bicycle mechanic in 1972 while I was still in high school. I took out a racing license in 1973, and was riding competitively through 1987. I worked as a production wheel builder from 1977 until 1990. After that business petered out I opened a small bicycle shop which I ran until 2007. I built my first bike frame in 1981. Over the years I’ve had a few false starts at making frame building my main gig, but I always wound up doing something else to earn a living. Since 2007 I’ve been working part time as a machinist at a college of naval architecture, and I continue to make bicycle frames. Most of the content on this site is pretty ancient. I’m often tempted to take it down, but now and then I’ll get a little positive feedback on some arcane item that buried in there, so I guess that I’ll leave it up for a while longer. |